
Clinical Stress Relief 150 mg Lactium®, 300 mg Ashwagandha

Clinical Stress Relief features Lactium®, a clinically tested milk protein derivative. Lactium® has been shown to support healthy cortisol levels and thus, can help to relieve the symptoms of stress from everyday life.* In addition, it can help to bring on sleep more quickly, maintain uninterrupted sleep, and promote better overall sleep quality.* Ashwagandha has been included as an “adaptogen”,...

Melatonin Extra Strength - 10 mg

Melatonin is a potent free radical scavenger naturally produced in the pineal gland and the GI tract.* It is involved in many of the regulatory processes of the body, including regulation of glandular secretory functions related to the maintenance of normal sleep/wake cycles, maintenance of GI health, and aspects of immune system function.* Supplemental Melatonin has been shown to support...

Magnesium Citrate Plus Glycinate & Malate Forms

Magnesium is a mineral that is essential for a wide range of fundamental cellular functions as it is a cofactor in at least 300 different enzymatic reactions.* Magnesium is well known for its roles in healthy cardiovascular function and bone formation and mineralization.* It is also critical for the regulation of muscle contraction and nerve conductivity through its influence on cell membrane...